Millport ny
Millport ny

  1. Millport ny skin#
  2. Millport ny full#

The swarm thinned as I drew closer to the parking lot and I almost cried in relief at the sight of car at the end. The sweat was cascading down every inch of my body as I was booking it and the fact that I didn’t care really says something about the situation. It was around 90 degrees and the percent humidity was probably about the same. At this point I thought I’d also like to mention the weather conditions.

Millport ny full#

I was on the verge of tears and if I weren’t carrying a backpack and a camera I would have broken into a full out run.

Millport ny skin#

My eyes were squeezed almost shut to prevent them from flying in and I was slapping my skin like a member of a high school step team. Apparently they had no mercy in their tiny souls because they refused to relent. I did indeed leave them in the dust, pumping my arms as I tried to outrun the bugs. There was nothing I could do to help them. I felt bad leaving them behind, but I had to save myself. Eventually they gave me their blessing to do what I had to do, and therefore I set a furious pace. I stayed back with them until I thought I might throw myself into the river in an attempt to end my suffering. I knew the only solace would come from walking faster, but my grandparents wouldn’t be able to match the necessary speed. Left and right the little suckers were descending upon me, sucking my blood even through my clothes and buzzing in my ear with fierce perseverance. We set off and the fury of the mosquitos seemed to increase exponentially. That’s all that stood between us and the safety of the car. There was no way we could continue on through that inferno. My grandparents and I admired the waterfall for a few minutes before deciding we needed to turn back. Just before I thought I couldn’t bear it anymore, the sound of rushing water was a beacon of hope shining through the dense cloud of insects tickling my skin. We were in too deep before the situation got bad so we persisted towards the waterfall, needing our efforts to be fruitful. The mosquitos and gnats were a cloud around us and my desperate flailing arms served as poor defense. We made our way deeper into the woods and this fleeting regret turned to all consuming contrition. As I swatted a couple mosquitoes from my face, I questioned why I hadn’t thought to use bug spray. All began well as we made our way down the trail. The first red flag should have been the singular car in the parking lot as we arrived, but we ventured out on our journey nonetheless. I went with my grandparents, intent on enjoying the nature and picturesque waterfalls. Nothing could have prepared me for the experience of walking this trail and unfortunately the memory will be ingrained in my head for the foreseeable future.

Millport ny